Do you and friends go on hunting trips every year, perhaps you hire a cabin and go on long hunting trips over several days, enjoying the outdoors. Did you know there were hunting camps for sale, yes you can actually buy a piece of land with a hunting permit linked to it, which has an established hunting camp or cabin. Imagine being able to take your friends to your very own hunting land. But how can you find where to buy hunting land, and how could you fund it?
Locating Hunting Camps For Sale
Ask your local real estate agents and they will just laugh at you if you ask them if they know of any hunting land for sale, because it comes up rarely and is very unlikely to be available in your area. But there are nationwide brokers of country land and acreage who specialize in sale of land for farming, hunting, and development. By contacting them, giving them an idea of the type of land you want and the area of the country you’re willing to consider then they should be able to find you several options.
There are hunting sites available which are just land and a camp site, which will allow you to set up tents or bring a motorhome to the site. You may struggle to get planning permission to build on this land but it is possible. Some sites already have established property on the land with permits so this could be a great advantage as you can use the dwelling already there, or perhaps knock it down and build something nicer on the land.
Value of the land will vary very much dependent on several factors. The first being is there property on the land. Second is the land accessible, does it have an access road from a state road, or do you have to pass through someone else’s land to get there. Does the land already have hunting permits and which animals are on the land or pass through the land regularly? A further issue is are there any facilities on the land, so does it have a well, a water supply, electricity or cell service. It might be that you don’t need any of these things but the more amenities and utilities available the more potential there is for the land.
So next question is how are you going to fund your hunting land?
How to Purchase Hunting Land
Well first stop might be all your hunting buddies. Perhaps they’d all be interested in shares in the land, you could all chip in and buy the land so you can enjoy your hunting trips together as always. This could be a great solution if you have a close committed group. Second you could look at funding the purchase long term by renting out the property of camp site to other hunters as well as a hunting permit. This could allow you to cover your costs in a short period of time.