Newsletters are one of the main types of content that a brand can use to stay connected with potential customers. They are contents that are used through email and that are sent with a certain frequency, as they tend to communicate something new and interesting for the subscriber.
The use of digital channels by companies is becoming more and more frequent. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to develop any type of business without taking part in any of the actions offered by digital marketing. Email marketing is one of those pillars that are giving the better results nowadays, and that is why we cannot lose sight of the value of working with a newsletter.
The key thing that the most frequently asked question is how to send newsletter, and the answer is simpler than you might think. In the following lines, we are going to reveal the 4 fundamental steps you would need to take to launch this action with resounding success. Let’s take a look at them.
Start a subscriber list
Before any information can be sent by newsletter, it is essential to have a group of recipients known as subscribers. Getting more and more people to join the list is one of the main tasks that must be fulfilled for this strategy to generate the expected results.
The data of persons interested in joining the list are collected by means of a resource known as subscription forms. These forms are usually accompanied by a free resource that is made available to those who wish to obtain it in exchange for their data.
The easiest way to work with subscription forms is to start directly from the email marketing software that will be used to send newsletters. This way, everything will be integrated and the subsequent management of the work will be easier.
However, to make it even more attractive to the potential subscriber, it is very important that the amount of data requested in the sent form is kept to a minimum. It is recommended that it features only the name and email address of users, unless it is really necessary to collect some other data to meet a certain objective.
Define the content of the newsletter
With step one completed, it is time to work on the content of the newsletter, and you need to know that each newsletter will be different in terms of content, but it is fine if they are similar in format and design. On the contrary, a homogeneous style will help the brand personality.
The points that are considered essential to touch on in this step is the writing of a subject line that is very persuasive and invites potential customers to discover the content inside. All the text that appears on the inside should also handle language that is interesting to the potential customer and that works on their emotions to keep them reading.
Other elements that can also be included to achieve a better result are personalised fields (for example, to say the name the person subscribed with), including visual elements that break the homogeneity of the text, links, buttons and clear and precise calls to action.
In all of this, it is very important to work with targeted links and to place them in a way that is easily visible to the person that is on the other side of the screen.
The third step is a bit more technical than the previous ones, but the objective of applying it should always be kept into account in order to make it easier to achieve our marketing goals. Segmentation seeks to define the type of subscribers to whom the message will be sent. The most logical thing is to think that it should be sent to everyone, and that’s fine, but once you have progressed in the task, and you have divided your subscribers by certain interests, it becomes clearer why some newsletters are sent to some and not to others.
To make this task much easier, sometimes an extra field is placed in the contact form to indicate the status of the subscriber (for example, on a website that talks about marketing, you could classify subscribers into marketing experts or companies looking for marketing services). If not, you can always apply later by using links for that purpose.
After the segmentation is done, you only have to define to which group of customers the newsletter you have designed will be sent at a certain moment.
Editing and shipping
The final step is to revise that all the previous steps have been executed correctly and that the message you have set out in the body is correct. Here, it is very important to pay attention to issues such as the emotional value of the text, but also to avoid spelling mistakes or lack of coherence in the message.
When sending, it is also a good idea to test the email beforehand to ensure that everything works as it should. This step is easy to accomplish if the sending is done to an email address that has the purpose of registering these types of actions. By doing a review “from the eyes of the receiver” it will be easier to notice details in the email and have the opportunity to correct them before they reach the subscribers’ inbox.
If we find that all is well, then it is time to send the message. There is also the option of scheduling it to be sent at a certain time on a specific day without having to be present or attentive to what is happening at the time.
To achieve the best results over time, it is very important to assess the behaviour of each newsletter sent through the use of statistics. This information will allow us to get closer to the preferences of our subscribers, and thus be able to adapt future communications to what they have liked the most.